What games are like Genshin Impact?


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If you're looking for games similar to Genshin Impact, you might enjoy exploring titles like "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and "Immortals Fenyx Rising." These games offer vast open worlds to explore, filled with breathtaking landscapes and dynamic weather systems. Like Genshin Impact, they also feature action-packed combat, puzzle-solving elements, and a variety of characters to interact with. Additionally, games like "Final Fantasy XV" and "Xenoblade Chronicles 2" share similarities with Genshin Impact in terms of their expansive worlds, engaging storytelling, and diverse cast of characters 뉴토끼 주소. Whether you're drawn to the immersive world-building, the challenging battles, or the captivating narratives, these games provide experiences that echo the magic of Genshin Impact.