How Long Does Viagra 50 mg Stay In Your System?


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Viagra 50 mg tablet treats the symptoms of ED, but it’s not a cure for the condition. ED is the persistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection firm enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. For Viagra to work, sexual stimulation is necessary. Viagra 50 mg pillis rapidly absorbed and usually works within an hour. Thus it is recommended to be taken an hour before any planned sexual encounter. However, it can start working within 30 minutes or take up to two hours to work for some individuals.

Viagra can stay in the system for up to 20 hours, but it takes about four to five half-lives for a drug to be fully eliminated. How long it is effective differs from person to person. FDA labeling states that Viagra is effective for up to four hours, but the effect at four hours is much less than at two hours. Even though Viagra can work for four hours, the erections typically don’t last this long. Generally, men don’t experience the effects of Viagra after two to three hours, and erections should not be sustained longer than this.
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