Facebook 600K Minute Monitization [Complete Time: 48 Hours]


New member
Доброго времени суток .
Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта https://ccwater.kiev.ua/ - он не будет противоречить тематике?

Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту [email protected]


New member
Can't answer an existing topic, what should I do ??
What am I doing wrong?
Please help.
Thank you.


New member
Good afternoon .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want buy advertising space for a banner in the header , for $ 1400 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my blog https://ukrjizn.com/ - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Please write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail [email protected]


New member
Прошу подсказать, как мне изменить пароль?
Может я делаю что то не так?
Прошу подсказать.


New member
Good day .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want place advertising space for a banner in the top of the site , for $ 1400 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my page https://mycryptocurrency24.com/ - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Send a letter about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail [email protected]


New member
Where is administration?
It is about advertisement on your website.

Где админ?
Это важно.
С уважением.


New member
Good afternoon .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want buy advertising space for a banner in the top of the site , for $ 500 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my site https://2019rik.com.ua/ - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Send a letter about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail [email protected]


New member
Как ответить в тему?
Может я не правильно пишу?
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