Where And How To Buy Stendra?


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Stendra is a prescribed medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in adult men. It contains Avanafil(a PDE5 inhibitor) as its main and active constituent. It is taken orally with or without a meal but with a maximum dosage of not more than once a day. It relaxes muscles and increases blood flow in some particular areas of the body. Its effect lasts up to 6 hours. It is advised to take this medicine 15 minutes before being involved in sexual activity.
Visit Site:- https://pinkviva.com/erectile-dysfunction/stendra/
You can either buy it online from our site Pinkviva or any local stores nearby. It is always advised to consult the physician before getting into any type of medication. Consider buying online from our site Pinkviva as it is trusted by many and offers genuine products at a much cheaper rate than others. Do not break or crush the tablet try to swallow it completely.