Tracking Devices for Older People


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PsiBorg’s tracking devices for older people are designed to enhance safety and provide peace of mind for both seniors and their families. These devices typically feature:
  1. Real-Time Location Tracking: Allows caregivers and family members to monitor the user's location through a mobile app.
  2. Emergency Alerts: Users can send SOS alerts with a simple button press, notifying designated contacts of their location.
  3. Geo-Fencing: Caregivers can set safe zones, and receive alerts if the user leaves those areas.
  4. Health Monitoring: Some devices include features to track vital signs, medication reminders, or activity levels.
  5. User-Friendly Design: Devices are often lightweight, easy to wear, and come with straightforward interfaces for seniors.
  6. Long Battery Life: Designed for daily use without frequent recharging, ensuring reliability.
  7. Privacy Protection: Data security features help protect users' personal information.
These devices aim to promote independence while ensuring safety, making them valuable tools for older adults and their families.