Diet tips and tricks


New member
We already have the cooking thread, but it isn't focused on diet and health, though I do love seeing peoples dazzling kitchen skills there, and interesting ideas. I think I'm the only one including calories in some of my posts there.
I decided to see if there would be any participants in a thread like this, because my number one diet trick is vaping. I did try quitting cigarettes multiple times way back in the mist of time, before my dearest friends put me onto vaping. I tried the nicotine gum, and I tried cold turkey. I knew someone who died taking Chantix, so never tried any of the pharma options. I did once quit cold for almost a year, but one day, like a zombie, I bought cigarettes and started smoking again.
The worst thing wasn't that smoking cessation attempts failed, but that I gained weight trying. Filling the nicotine craving with extra calories only leads to more calorie cravings, never satisfying the nic addiction. Vaping took over like a strong, steadying arm around my shoulders, without causing me an empty space to fill with food. It seemed miraculous to me that I didn't gain weight. I can hardly believe it's been nearly 10 years since my last cigarette.
So, besides that, here is my first tip: 45 calorie hot dogs were a revelation. I never knew there was such a thing until a couple of years ago. There are two brands: Hebrew National beef franks (the 97 percent fat free), and Ball Park turkey hot dogs. Both of those, 45 calories per dog, both very tasty. I like to cut them into thirds, roast them in the oven to get crispy on the cut places, stick them with picks, and pass them around at parties on an appetizer tray with a dipping bowl of mixed mustard and relish. They're the first thing to get eaten up, but then it's easy to make another batch without having to sweat for an hour in the kitchen.
What's your best diet tip or trick?


New member
Always following natural food diet will providing so many health benefits to the body. Lots of people are easily getting so many health benefits to the body. Avoiding oil rich food items and processed foods items is a good choice.


New member
One anectodal thing i found with my body, which was just becoming diabetic, 80 pounds overweight, a1c rising, was i had some luck with eating a lot of shrimp


New member
Thanks for sharing your scrambled eggs tips! Using a saucepan instead of a skillet sounds like a game-changer. I'll definitely give that a try next time. And the oven souffleed eggs idea with jam in the center? Genius! It's amazing how versatile eggs can be.On a related note, I've been diving into the world of natural foods lately. I recently came across what, in my opinion, is the best organic whey protein powder online. It's a great way to add quality nutrition to your diet without sacrificing taste or quality.As for sunnyside or microwaving eggs, I'm with you—I prefer the stove method.