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  1. magicine12

    Which disease is curable with PERFECINE Pirfenidone 200 mg tablets?

    These tablets are used for the treatment of lung cancer. PERFECINE Pirfenidone 200 mg tablets works by stopping the growth of cancerous cells in the body. One can buy this medicine from Magicine Pharma.
  2. magicine12

    What is the usage of Bortezomib Bortecine 2mg inj?

    The use of Bortezomib Bortecine 2mg inj is suggested to patients with Multiple Myeloma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma that are the types of bone marrow cancer. The dosage of this injection is decided by the doctors according to the patients' past and recent medical condition.
  3. magicine12

    What is the purpose to give Bevacizumab 400mg Injection?

    It is given to the patient to treat colorectal cancer. It is also get recommended in the curation of lung and kidney cancers and in brain tumor. Bevacizumab 400mg Injection's infusion should be decided by the doctor as it is prescription based medicine.